Why? Workshop aim

The census of stellar streams around the Milky Way has exploded to over 100 in 2024, with astrometry from Gaia combined with spectroscopic surveys providing unprecedented detail on their motions and chemical properties. Ongoing campaigns (Gaia, S5, Pristine, DESI) and upcoming facilities (Roman, Rubin, WEAVE, 4MOST) will continue to make progress characterising the Milky Way’s stream population and push stream science outside of the Local Group. These exquisite observations demand new theoretical tools to understand how these streams formed and what they can tell us about dark matter and galaxy formation. Building on the successful streams21 and streams22 workshops, we will host a workshop that assembles experts and enthusiasts from around the world to chart the path for stream theory in the era of large surveys.

How? Workshop format

Each day will focus on a different aspect of stream theory. We will start with an overview of the topic, followed by tutorials, contributed talks from early career researchers, and discussion sessions. The workshop is focused on in-person participation, but we will also provide a remote option for those who cannot travel.

The review talks will be given by Denis Erkal, Khyati Malhan, Robyn Sanderson, Sarah Pearson and Sophia Lilleengen.

We expect all participants to abide by the Code of Conduct.

When? Schedule

The workshop will take place at Durham University from Monday 5th to Friday 9th August 2024. We will announce a detailed schedule nearer the time.

Key dates
31 January 2024: Announcement and registration opens
31 March 2024: Application deadline
03 May 2024: Outcome of applications announced
Mid May 2024: Registration and accommodation booking opens
01 June 2024: Registration closes
05–09 August 2024: Workshop

The week prior to this workshop (29th July - 2nd August 2024), the Small Galaxies, Cosmic Questions II conference will take place at Durham University. We encourage participants to attend both events.

Getting to Durham Logistics

For more information on how to travel to Durham, please read the information provided here.

We have blocked off single rooms at Hatfield College. Some alternative accommodation suggestions can be found here.